Pia Turismo


Programmi integrati di agevolazione turismo

0 Millions €
Investimento Max

Non-Repayable Fund

Environmental protection

Grande Impresa


Reti d’impresa / Consorzi


The objectives of the Notice concern the promotion of innovation and sustainability in the Puglia tourism sector through the improvement of tourist offerings, digitalization of businesses, training for operators, and support for local employment, thus contributing to consolidating the competitiveness and tourist attraction of the region.

The main purposes are as follows

  • Raising the quality standards of tourist offerings: improving the quality of tourist offerings through the expansion, modernization, and restructuring of hotel facilities and properties dedicated to the tourism sector. This translates into improved quality services, with a focus on ecological and green sustainability, improving accessibility and environmental safety.

  • Digitalization in the tourism sector:Creating new digital and cultural tourist services and generating innovative elements within the Puglia tourism ecosystem. This goal focuses on increasing the competitiveness of businesses and promoting the evolution of the tourism industry towards a 4.0 perspective.

  • Training for operators:promoting the adoption of innovative organizational models in the tourism sector through operator training. This includes acquiring skills, both digital and non-digital, through qualified training programs, maximizing the tourism potential of the region while developing the capabilities of industry operators.

  • Supporting and enhancing regional employment: The Notice aims to contribute to the creation and improvement of employment in the region, including female employment. This can be achieved through the implementation of innovative tourism projects and the promotion of sustainable job opportunities in the sector.

Who is it aimed at

Integrated Tourism Facilitation Programs can be submitted by large, medium, or small enterprises, as well as business networks/consortia.

Aid Structure

The grant is provided in the form of a non-repayable grant.

Type of Investment

Investments are aimed at enhancing and developing tourist offerings in various directions, including the adoption of innovative technologies and sustainable solutions:

  • New tourist-hotel activities: Involves the creation of new tourist-hotel structures through the recovery and/or redevelopment of buildings initiated but not completed, intended for tourist-hotel purposes.
  • Expansion, modernization, and restructuring of existing structures: These are projects aimed at increasing the capacity and improving the quality of existing tourist-hotel structures to raise quality standards and/or achieve a better classification.
  • Creation of new tourist-hotel structures of historical and artistic interestThis category concerns the creation of new tourist-hotel structures, with a capacity of no less than 7 rooms, with historical and artistic interest, through the restoration and preservation of buildings that have obtained a declaration of historical and artistic interest according to the law.
  • Transformation of rural buildings into hotel structures: This type of investment involves the transformation of rural buildings, such as farmhouses, trulli, towers, fortifications, into hotel structures with at least 7 rooms.
  • Recovery and redevelopment of abandoned buildings: These investments involve the transformation of abandoned buildings or those in need of extraordinary maintenance or restoration into receptive, conference, sports, cultural, or recreational structures.
  • Improvement of territorial tourist offerings: This category includes investments in structures or facilities aimed at improving the tourist offerings of the territory and promoting the destocking of tourist flows.

The Integrated Tourism Facilitation Program must consist of Productive Investments integrated with digital, technological, energy, and waste management investments, through at least one of the following interventions:

  • Technological, strategic, organizational, and managerial innovation projects for tourism companies.
  • progetti formativi volti alla qualificazione delle competenze relative alla trasformazione digitale, al turismo sostenibile, alla transizione ecologica ed alla riconversione green, in stretta correlazione con la strategia regionale di specializzazione intelligente.

Il progetto oggetto di agevolazione potrà comprendere investimenti a favore della tutela ambientale nochè, esclusivamente per le PMI, anche:

  • Specialized consultancy programs, including internationalization.
  • Expenditure for participation in trade fairs.

Form and Intensity of Incentives

The incentives vary depending on the type of investment and the size of the company and range from 45% to 70% of eligible costs.

  • Productive Investments le agevolazioni per le spese ammissibili sono concesse sotto la forma di contributi in conto impianti, nei seguenti limiti:

    – 30% per le grandi imprese;

    – 40% per le medie imprese;

    – 50% per le piccole imprese.

  • Innovation - Incentives for SMEs for Innovation are granted up to 50% of the total expenditure deemed appropriate, relevant, and eligible.
  • Innovation in processes and organization - Incentives for Innovation in processes and organization do not exceed 15% of eligible costs for large companies and 50% for SMEs.
  • Training - Regarding Training Aid, the aid intensity does not exceed:
    • 50% of eligible costs for large companies.
    • 60% of eligible costs for medium-sized enterprises.
    • 70% of eligible costs for small enterprises.

This intensity can also be increased by 10 percentage points if the training is intended for disabled or disadvantaged workers.

  • Environmental protection - For Investments in Environmental Protection, the intensity of aid does not exceed:

    • for energy efficiency measures: il:
      • 45% of eligible costs for large companies.
      • 55% of eligible costs for medium-sized enterprises.
      • 65% of eligible costs for small enterprises.
    • For Investments in the promotion of energy from renewable sources renewable hydrogen, and high-efficiency cogeneration:

      • 45% of eligible costs for large companies.
      • 55% of eligible costs for medium-sized enterprises.
      • 65% of eligible costs for small businesses.
  • Consultancy Services - Incentives for consultancy services for businesses are granted exclusively to SMEs, up to 50% of the total expenditure considered appropriate, relevant, and eligible.

How May We Assist You

Fill out the form and contact us today!

We offer a complete and professional consulting service for the entire process of accessing the measure. With experience and expertise, we guide you in the accurate compilation of all the necessary documentation for the application, ensuring compliance with the required criteria and current regulations, respecting the deadlines, up to the precise accounting of eligible expenses, with continuous support to manage any verifications or requests for integration by the authorities.

Don't let administrative complexity become an obstacle.

Contact us today and use our skills and experience to maximize the opportunities offered by PIA TURISMO in Puglia.

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